The Job You Seek is Seeking You!!!

rajath cs
4 min readFeb 7, 2022


Hello after a while Peeps!!!

You are at the wrong place if you thought that the title is leading you to a philosophy blog. This is just food for thought. We all live in a world where the number of Social Media Platforms is increasing day by day and has also grown in variety. Off lately I have been spending time unfollowing and removing some of my LinkedIn connections. Don’t worry folks, there is no new COVID-19 variant and this is not a sanitization process 😉.

A casual behavior one observes on Linkedin/Instagram/Twitter/Reddit/Snapchat/Facebook/Others is a similar set of interactions by users based on the interest or ongoing trend. Because of this similar set of interactions repeating at regular intervals, there is an overpopulation of screens with unwanted content, and based on a general observation the user’s interest to scroll down below 2 pages vaporizes.

Since I mentioned LinkedIn, let's talk about the pattern observed there. We all know that LinkedIn is a professional networking and career development, and allows job seekers to post their CVs and employers to post jobs. Yes, all of us are needy and greedy for jobs. Nothing wrong with it. We want to connect with everyone we recognize as relevant. Sure, nothing wrong. But are you living for the moment or for an essence?. Why do I ask this?. Job seekers today fail to understand the difference between a marketing gimmick to draw attention versus reality. Most of LinkedIn today is flooded with posts that goes by

These sorts of posts have hundreds of comments and thousands of links. What one needs to understand is this is just another Domino effect and general observability is that the end result is not worth the time spent or going through such posts. Users who are tagging others in these sorts of posts also need to understand that you are least helping your friend/s by bringing the job posting details to their awareness. Now does this mean that those who are actually actively recruiting need to stop posting the details of them looking out for Candidates? No, again it jots down to the basics that if you are employer posting details of the job please make sure a URL to the job posting is linked. Also, clearly mentions the expectations so you filter the candidates at the view level. Like — clearly call out that if a person is having experience in so and so technology/domain only can reach out or comment or link the post for further review.

Let us assume that your comment on a job opening post is — “I am Interested ” and you get a response. In most of the cases the response is either — “Reviewed. Please send me your details to OR Please DM me to further discuss.”. Do you guys genuinely feel that the person who made the post (irrespective of their position/role) has sufficient time to clear your emails going through your resumes?. Living in the world of bots, remember that to a greater extent the selection of your resumes is automated at the initial screening levels.

It is a good thing to hope that the respective authority who posted the details of the job would reach out to you if you like or comment on their post but false hope ruins your productive time in reaching out to job seekers in a more intuitive way. Let us bring about this digital change. Let us take a stance to retain both the originality and authenticity of the platform by avoiding publishing any content that neither makes sense nor increases the interactivity of the platform.

Having said all these, here are the steps I would consider and make my job hunt process a seamless one:

  1. Targeted Apply — apply for those jobs that you are in your area of expertise. experienced in and have technical abilities
  2. Design, Build and Review your Resume — get your resume reviewed by experts, compare your resume with your peers.
  3. Call out to Networks: Reach out to your connections requesting them to check if there are any openings in your team.
  4. Time, Space, and Mind: Dedicate all three of these to your job hunt process and you will succeed. Below is usually the template I use to personally message SDE Managers or Recruiters or someone who can refer me to the position.
  5. Post — In the worst case, make a LinkedIn post letting your connections know that you are seeking a job.
Email Format to research out to recruiters

At last, all I can say is — cultivate a healthy learning environment around you.

Stop Phishing and Start Practicing. Keep Smiling & Hustling.



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